We're Not So Different...

a.k.a. Fat Black Boy

Would like to think that I'm just another 26 yr old
tryin to find myself.

Cos We're Not So Different...

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Monday, November 24, 2008

D-damnnn it's been wayyy too long (as usual)...

Was just lookin' thru my blog & I realised that my last real post was about last year's Zoukout!
And Zoukout 2008 is like just around the corner, hahaha... What are the odds huh?

Oh well...truth be told, nothin much has been happening...
It's basically been a standard cycle
- Weekdays: Work, More Work, Followed by Sleep (If Possible)
- Weekends: Sleep, More Sleep, Followed by "Party" (If Possible)

Yeah that's basically been it.

Well the one good thing is, Visualise Media is doing pretty well. Although I've only been there since July this year, I dare say I've surpassed expectations. WoooHoooo.

All in all, I guess it's been a pretty okay year. I think it all boils down to this:
- 2007: Just graduated, found a job, a sucky job, so left in October (Lesson Learnt)
- 2008: Bummed around while searching for a job, until Visualise found me in July
(So since I've started Visualise, I've taken 2008 to be the year where I stabilize myself. What do I mean by that? Well at least now I can say, I've sort of found my footing and things are no longer rocky, no longer uncertain)

So what does 2009 hold?

2009 is gonna see Karthi working on this new sense of stabilization and create new frontiers for himself.
(In a nutshell, it's time to reap what I've sown - In a Good way of course)


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You Know You Wanna...
2:29 PM

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Been a long time huh?

Oh Well, Life goes on doesn't it?

Not like anyone's gonna start caring whether Karthi blogs or not...

That's just the way Life is...

Anyways in case anyone's interested, i've finally embarked on a career related to Mass Comm!
I'm co-running an established Production House known as Visualise Media...

Go check our website yeah!


Or E-Mail Me to enquire about ur Video Production needs, haha



Oh and if anyone cares, I'm doin alright :)

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You Know You Wanna...
10:49 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

You know the saying goes "Never look forward too much to something, or u're just gonna end up with disappointment"...Well actually I got that from Fizah...And well I guess she was kindda right...

Yeah, It FINALLY Happened!

Yeah It finally happened..and this is basically how it went down for me:

Plan: First "Party" at friend's place til about 2am or so, then head down to Siloso Beach for Zoukout...

What actually happened: Due to unforseen circumstances, "Party" at friend's place stretched til like 3:30am or so...Ended up reaching Siloso Beach at about 4am or so!

But all in all, I can't say I was totally disappointed I guess...Cos when it came to Zoukout, I was mainly interested in witnessing 2 legendary names:
- Carl Cox
- Armin Van Buuren

And somehow I managed to "sort of" catch both of em...(even though i only reached there at like 4plus in da morning)

After reaching at around 4plus in the morning, I left my friends at the Hip Hop Arena and went over to the Main Arena where Carl Cox was spinning at that time...Like Hero, I tried to find Fizah & Gang in tt crowd, but to no avail...So i just chilled there for abit and enjoyed about 15mins of Mr Cox! Pretty Good Stuff...

Then i finally called Fizah and managed to meet up with her & the rest, followed em back to da Hotel for a short rest-bite...And then proceeded to the highlight of the night, Armin Van Buuren!!!!!!!!!! We left the hotel, walked over to the Main Arena and it was like Just in time for Armin to start his set! And I stayed for his full 2 hrs set (i think) Awesome shit!!!!!!! Just look at the ENERGY & VIBE he possesses on stage!!! How not to love da guy? How??!!
haha okok a lil over-dramatic there, but yeah, enjoy the vid below...

The set lasted til about 7am and that's when I left to meet my friends at Ben & Jerry's. (The lads looked sorely disappointed. Apparently this year's Hip Hop Lineup at Zoukout was quite a washout *shrugs* sigh)...

And here's the kicker..

Karthi (The Fat Black Lazy Fuck who takes a cab almost everywhere) actually bothered to stand in the long queue and wait for the Sentosa Bus to get out to Harbour Front Terminal...WAIT WAIT It gets even more amazing!...At da Harbour Front Terminal, while everyone was rushing to god noes where to try to get a cab, Karthi waited patiently and took Bus Service 188 straight home!

HaHaHa Aren't you guys proud of me?!
Well fuck it..Cos I'm shit proud of myself...hehe


So yeah, basically that's how Zoukout went down for me...

Overall Feeling: Kindda Disappointed (But the feeling of content lingers since I did afterall manage to catch Carl Cox and Armin)

So I guess it's all good?

Nah..it's just complicated...Complicated to a point where Karthi is just not sure anymore...

What the fuck does that mean? That's the sad part, I myself have no idea...
Maybe it's just another one of those many CrossRoads?

You Reckon?

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You Know You Wanna...
3:44 AM

Saturday, September 29, 2007

There isn't anything better...

Than beating the odds together...

Maybe I just shouldn't listen...

Then I'd finally see what I've been missing?


She's the one

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You Know You Wanna...
4:42 AM

Sunday, August 19, 2007

When embarking on a new chapter in our lives, we often wonder where this new chapter is going to take us...

When i first got this job as an Events Executive, i wondered the exact same thing...Where is my chapter at Inspiration gonna take me?

Along the way, it appeared as though the Inspiration Novel was gonna be pretty interesting..It seemed as though various chapters were gonna unfold and being the "Makcik Kaypoh" that I am, i simply waited in anticipation...

Now i did mention that "it SEEMED as though various chapters were gonna unfold..." didn't I? Well the keyword here is "SEEMED"...Because basically the Inspiration Novel managed to produce only one main chapter...and believe me...this chapter was jus plain disgusting...

It went something like this:

"There was this girl. Her name was _______. For some reason, she was under the impression that she was as pretty as pretty can be. Like most girls her age, _______ had a boyfriend, a simple lad with his own dreams and ambitions. Feeling that she needed to pursue her own dreams and ambitions, ________ decided to embark on a career of her own, a career which promised to put her up on that pedestal some day. However little did she realise that getting up on that pedestal would require common sense and discipline, something which ______ sorely lacked.

(and so the story goes on....)

Over the first week of work, _______ adjusted pretty well to the new surroundings. However there was something which would often wipe that "oh-so-pretty" smile off her face. Her boyfriend was away, far far away from Singapore, in the distant lands of...Thailand. How she yearned for his return. Each day, she would stare at the ring he gave her, look at the calendar on her desk counting down to the day of his return. She would even write down her feelings, feelings about how much she missed him and itched for his touch upon her "oh-so-beautiful" body. Ironically enough, it was this "itch" for a man's touch which brought about her eventual downfall.

The second week of work arrived. Everyone thought that _______ would be ecstatic over her boyfriend's return. However that was not the case. In fact, something peculiar happened. ______ seemed to have started taking a liking to her employer. She would comment on his ability to make her laugh, his "strong sense of character" and of course the "drive" which he so clearly possessed. (Sidenote: Now do not be mistaken folks. According to ______, possessing "drive" does not mean possessing the determination and will to succeed. It actually means "possessing a vehicle and having the ability to literally "driveeee" the vehicle")

* Come on, Say it with me now..... "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" *

(and so the story goes on...)

As the third week of work arrived, something interesting began to develop. _______ seemed to be having countless disagreements with her boyfriend, while at the same time getting closer to her employer. This development carried on for awhile until one day, the inevitable happened. _______ ended things with her boyfriend and started a new relationship with her employer. It was deemed to be the start of something "special", but little did anyone know that it was actually the start of something disastrous.

*Play dramatic music - tum tum tum *

Right from the start, her friends and colleagues warned her that this wasn't a good idea, but nevertheless they decided that it was only right that they give their support. With that support, came advice of course. They constantly adviced the both of them on how it was of utmost importance to keep a low profile. L O W P R O F I L E. How difficult was that to understand?

Sadly, all advice fell on deaf ears and within a matter of days, the entire office found out about their relationship. Things were pretty alright at first. However as the weeks and months developed, there were instances when one would feel like just going up to either of them and ripping their tonsils out. (Sidenote: I wish i could proceed with further details, but I pride myself on this blog being a place where readers do not have to puke their guts out)

This carried on and on, things seem to only get worse as the days went by. She had changed. He had changed. The inevitable happened. They had both turned into....Dumb Fucks. Yes it's sad, but true. Alas, everyone wished something could have been done to salvage the situation, but it was too late. Dumb Fuck syndrome swept across the office and eventually it was just too much for some to handle.

What could be done? There was only one way out of this. And unfortunately the outbreak of Dumb Fuck syndrome left everyone with no choice, but to resign from their respective positions in the office.

Today, the aftermath stands clear for all to see.
Why...Why oh Why did she have to possess that itchy pussy?
And why...Why oh why did he have to yearn for that itchy pussy?

Her possession, His Yearning both added up to produce the fatal Dumb Fuck Syndrome,
A Syndrome which leaves the office standing the way it is today...."

Before i end off, there's just one more thing...
Do you think the employer ever ponders to himself?
"If she could do that to her ex-boyfriend, what makes me think she's not gonna do the same thing to me in the future?"
Food for thought? I certainly hope so....

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You Know You Wanna...
6:31 PM

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ever feel like you're boxed in and dunno where to go?

There are infinite possibilities out there. I guess it's just a matter of how you go about grabbing one of those possibilities. And before you know it, a possibility turns into an opportunity.

But then again, how do you pursue an opportunity if you're boxed in?

By Reinventing your exit....

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You Know You Wanna...
9:31 PM

Monday, June 25, 2007

Deception is what's making Y.O.U. go round in circles without being able to cross that certain intersection

Manipulation will only get Y.O.U. so far because sadly, Y.O.U. are and will always continue to be plagued by limitation.

This new friend of yours? What's his name? Discontent you say? Well I must say...A truly amazing character indeed...Notice he doesn't have any reflection in the mirror?

And Finally...

Respect is given where Respect is due. However, the respect Y.O.U. sought from this soldier, will never be commanded by Y.O.U.

Need I really say more?
Need I?

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You Know You Wanna...
11:44 PM