We're Not So Different...

a.k.a. Fat Black Boy

Would like to think that I'm just another 26 yr old
tryin to find myself.

Cos We're Not So Different...

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November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. September 2007. December 2007. June 2008. November 2008.

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

As 2006 draws to a close, I've decided to take a brief look at what's been goin on these 365 days:

Year 3 in Ngee Ann has been crazy. I guess takin those 3 demanding modules wasn't such a good idea afterall. But all in all, it was a good experience. Adv Radio was tiring,but fulfilling at the same time(I think the passion for Radio overwrites the tight deadlines). DocPro started off promising,but turned a lil disappointing towards the end(Our production began with so much promise,even the expert panel loved our idea.BUT the production process together with the End Product could have been much better."Brothers Of Allegiance" - A Documentary Depicting Gangsterism in Singapore. Sounds alright, right?). And finally IMC. I thought this was gonna be a disaster, but it turned out pretty well. (We were the best group. A fresh idea mixed together with amazing collaterals. Ziggy Soh was really great to have around during the whole process. His ideas and inspiration spurred us on. And Most Importantly, The Client loved the Campaign idea. "NP Lifestyle Library - Viva La Lifestyle, Join In The Fun". Good Stuff).
And now there's Radio Heatwave. Just about a month left to go. Things started off on the wrong foot,but Have definitely picked up and I dare say we've "evolved" into a pretty comprehensive team(Well most of us at least). Look out for Saturday,20th January 2007. DJ Wannabe Competition at NP, It's gonna be KickAss!

Alright then, School Aside. The personal life has had it's share of ups and downs. The start of 2006 marked the end of my longest relationship. Well it only lasted for One and a Half Years,haha. BUT THAT IS LONG TO ME.

Then there's the issue of friends...In this year along, many have come and gone. It's really quite amazing how some folks can call u "friend", but be so insensitive to certain issues around. AMAZING..

Glad to say, those few who have been around since I was running around in my shorts, well they're still here and I'm guessin they're gonna be here for a longass time...

And of course, New Friends...The sky's the limit. Hopefully these "new folk" stay around for awhile...It'd be pretty sad losin em over trivial issues...

Ok New Yr's Resolutions. I've actually come up with 3 this year and I'm really hoping to achieve at least the first 2 by June 2007.
1. Lose Weight(Now this is gonna take some work,but I believe it's possible,haha)
2. Find a decent job(Now when i say job, I mean something which I have a passion for. This means RADIO!!!)
3. Quit Smoking (This is gonna be the hardest of the lot,But I've gotta do it...So I hope i'll be able to quit b4 2008 comes along)

As much as I'd like to blog somemore, I've got nothin much to say, haha..

Oh for those out there who are interested in "Canto Pop & Techno Music", drop by Babyface(located at One Fullerton)...I'll be workin there on New Year's Eve *Sobz*
It's really quite sad, cos I HATE that kindda music. But they needed a Bouncer and I answered the call...HaHaHa

Well that's all for now...Happy New Year Folks...Hope 2007 will be a good year for everyone...


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You Know You Wanna...
11:21 AM

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

DJ Wannabe Auditions is next Wednesday,20th Dec...And still not enough participants...
How How How?!

And life at home with my mom away on Holiday is actually rather weird...I dunno wat it is exactly..But the house just feels empty...She called last night and said she was down with a fever...Fuckin India better start doin something about their damn pollution problem...I hope she gets well soon...And truth be told, I Miss Her to bits...Can't wait for her to come home on the 23rd...

On an entirely different level, i think things at heatwave have gotten a lil better...Now I stress the word, "lil"...
But hey, at least things are gettin better...So I ain't complaining...It's almost mid-december...Just one and a half more months to go and it'll be all over...I'll be a 24 year old man graduated from Ngee Ann Poly with a Diploma in Mass Communications...WOW! hahahaha

But time really flies...It feels like only yesterday i was at orientation dreading the thought of playin mindless games with my so-called seniors and wonderful new classmates...Things in Ngee Ann haf indeed been interesting...I guess you could call it sort of a "roller-coaster ride"...It's has the usual ups n downs...Countless amount of laughter...All mixed in with a lil bit of conflict here and there...All in all, I'd say it's a good mix..haha...

Just called my mom's hp and it's off...I really hope she's feelin better now after the whole fever thing...Gonna be eagerly awaiting her call...

Alright then...Time for me to go feed joey...The greedy bastard eats at odd times, Just like me! HaHa...
Now that is not supposed to be a good thing..But hey, we all live to eat(even tho most of us lie to ourselves sayin we eat to live)...

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You Know You Wanna...
12:50 AM

Saturday, December 09, 2006

As expected, I ain't bloggin as much as I'd like to...

Cos everything at heatwave has been so damn busy(and it doesn't help tt my laptop CRASHED AGAIN)

Oh well...It's just a laptop, things could be much worse...

Thank god the weekend's here...It couldn't haf arrived at a better time...The week has been hectic and i've even managed to catch a flu/cough...How freakin cool is that huh?

Mom n Sis have gone off on a Holiday to India(a well-deserved one I must add,my mom has been dreamin of this for a long time and now it has finally happened..KUDOS to her)

So the whole house is all mine for the time being...Well Mine and Joey's of course(Fot those of you who dun already noe, Joey's my guinea pig)...Damn he's huge now and he's become part of da family..Can't imagine home without him...

Ok Let's dive into work...
- The office has been re-arranged, so it looks much neater/organised now(took us an entire night to do spring cleaning man..It was crazy...Overnighting in school cleanin up...And topping it off by gettin high on Absolut Vodka, Raspberry..Good shit tight thurr)
- DJ Wannabe's comin up real soon and still hardly any participants...How can? Damn Comms pple didn't do their job obviously...
- I personally feel that this heatwave committee is much more productive than the previous one. (HaHaHa)
- And there's still that problem of _ _ _ _.
(Wonder if this problem will away fade away. From the looks of things, I highly doubt it)

But oh well, Life goes on...

Lime Sonic Bang tonight? Anyone interested in goin? hahaha...

It's too early in the morning on a saturday..I'm goin back to bed now...

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You Know You Wanna...
11:26 AM