We're Not So Different...

a.k.a. Fat Black Boy

Would like to think that I'm just another 26 yr old
tryin to find myself.

Cos We're Not So Different...

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

After all the uncertainties, anticipation and a whole lotta hard work,
Wannabe DJ 2007 Finally happened on Saturday 20th January 2007.
And WE pulled it off...It was Amazing, It was kickass...Basically We Rocked Ngee Ann!

*Will Post Pictures Soon*

I just gotta give a HUGE Shout-Out to the Following people:
1. The Radio Heatwave Crew
- Keith, Farhana, Mabel, Caili, Derek, Jonathan & Sean(We worked our asses off for this event and we deserve a bloody Medal of Honour for pulling it off man! haha...ESCAPE this tuesday!)
2. Showmakers Sound Crew
- Thank you so much for accomodating all our requests and putting a smile on our faces even when things seemed hopeless.
3. Jon's Band, FourEncounting(You guys were really amazing. Perfect presence on stage and 4 kick-ass performances. Thank you so much for stepping up at the last minute when we really needed ur help man!)
4. Plushfools(Despite coming late and all, you guys still managed to pull off a cool performance on stage. Kudos!)
5. Sherman, Wilson & The Rest of the illers crew(You guys really kicked ass last night man, Amazing beatboxing & Krump showcase)
6. DJ Ko Flow(What Can I say? You came, You did your thing and everyone was WOW-ed. Crazy stuff! I still stick to my tag...You are the Master Of The TurnTable)
7. Nurul Maideen(You and Norman Then were fantastic on stage together. And this is not an exagerration. But you made the song, "Put ur records on" YOUR OWN! Totally awesome)
8. Electrico (You guys were amazing as usual. The crowd loved ya'all. And you guys really worked it. A 30-Min Set Everyone in Ngee Ann will NEVER forget!)
9. And of course, Our Judges for the day:
- Mark Richmond & Joe Augustin(Thank you so much for coming down. Having you guys there and listening to your comments to the contestants was AWESOME. You have no idea how much ur presence meant to us)
- Felix Tan(Ur sarcastic, witty and EVER SO TRUE comments never cease to amaze me! YOU ROCK! HaHaHa)

*Oh and I gotta shout this out to Mabel*
BABES Your Emcee-ing was Fantastic! Don't ever think that you don't have what it takes to be a good Emcee. Cos You Seriously kicked ass at Wannabe! Coolnessssssss

Finally, our Lecturer-In-Charge, Mr Yokanathan... Thanks for believing in the Radio Heatwave crew all the way... Things may have looked bleak at some time....But I promised you AN AMAZING EVENT didn't I? And we Delievered!!!!

Wannabe DJ 2007, It Happened...It was a Blast...If you missed it, all I can say is... You missed the ONE event at Ngee Ann that will live in the hearts of many for a long long time.

Radio Heatwave, It's What You Want

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You Know You Wanna...
9:07 AM