We're Not So Different...

a.k.a. Fat Black Boy

Would like to think that I'm just another 26 yr old
tryin to find myself.

Cos We're Not So Different...

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Was bored with the entire "blackness" of the blog...
So decided to give it a facelift...
And here it is..More Refreshing right? HaHaHa

Well Can't really say much for now..
Been working part-time here n there b4 settling down into a full-time job...
Other than that? Been bummin around da house alot...

Wat do I do while bumming?
Hell Yeah!

Watch Heroes on YouTube! Gettin addicted to tt damn show. Am currently at Episode 9 and I must say that the way the producers have managed to develop the plot is amazing..However there is the danger of the show becomin..Predictable?..Or maybe it's just me...Neverthelss I'm lovin' it! HaHa

Oh Well...Let's Just see what happens...

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You Know You Wanna...
7:42 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's Chinese New Year! (Ok Lunar New Year...Whatever)
Every year this period always sucks for me...why?
Because EVERYONE is busy...Reunion dinners, Visiting relatives, etc...
And worse still, all da damn shops are closed...So if wanna buy anythin, gotta walk all da way to 7-Eleven or Cheers(which is a pretty long walk from my house, and we all know how Karthi is about walkin,sheesh)

Even the Non-Chinese friends are busy cos they gotta work since all the chinese pple are on leave!
This just sucks!

Been preparing my Resume and stuff..Since Poly's finally over, gotta start workin towards finding my dream job...A Producer-Presenter at Mediacorp Radio(or any radio station for that matter)

Also..am hoping to go back to the Night Safari to work on Weekends soon(By End of March)...
BUT For now, I just wanna break for abit...b4 heading into the corporate world....

I'm hoping to get everything settled by Mid-April or Early May...
When I say everything settled, I mean:
- Secure a Full-Time job
- Secure a Part-Time job(i.e. Night Safari)
- Get a damn bike for transportation

Yeap that should cover it...So let's just wait and see ya?

Ohhhhh and I am really serious about getting a doberman...
There's this dood in Msia who's got like 6 pups for sale...Check em out..

How Adorable is that?!

Just look at em...SO damn cuteeeeee....I WANT THE BLACK ONE IN THE MIDDLE!
That's the exact breed I'm lookin for...Best Part is these pups over here are just 30days old...
So if I act now, by the time i get the licensing and medical stuff completed, I should be able to get him(the black one) when he's just 2 months old!!! PERFECT!!!!

And he'll grow up to look like this....


Exciting stuff huh?

C'mon indulge me...This is pretty exciting...

Oh and I am officially a fan of the series, Heroes...Good Stuff...
Starworld's timeslot is pretty whacked for me, so been catchin up on YouTube...
The Show Rocks!

An it doesn't hurt that Niki is quite hot...well at least I think so...
And her character rocks! Violent Chicks - You Gotta Love Em *winks*

Ali Larter - Hot Stuff

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You Know You Wanna...
7:54 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007

Damn...I thought this blog would be different from the others i've "set up"...But Nope, still sorely lacking in entries...sigh...

Oh well, Better late than never aye?

Heatwave is over(Officially ended on 2nd Feb 07)...In Fact, School's over for good! No more lectures, No more tutorials, No more deadlines!(Well for now at least).

Time now to decide what to do with my sad sad life...Work? Study? OR.....Both?

Yeap tt's a new one...Both...Hoping to actually study and work at da same time...I know it's a bit of a long shot, but if it does happen, wooooohooooo....

About where I'm hoping to go further my studies? I'm keepin tt under wraps for now...Don't wanna set myself or anyone else up for disappointment(Or to the wretched few out there, happiness? sheesh)

Anyways bumped into an old friend(And I mean really olddd,haven't seen this chick since I was like 14? damn tt's 10 whole years...Well we decided to go get coffee and she tells me "Karthi you've changed so much, What happened?"...Being the way I am, I couldn't help but ask "HOW HAVE I CHANGED?!"...And here's the kicker, she says "I dunno, you're just different"...WHAT DA FUCK?! I mean...If ya gonna say I've changed, at least have some sense to have some rationale behind it...sheesh...

So once again, being the way I am, I can't seem to shake that thought off my mind...HOW HAVE I CHANGED? For Better? For Worse? How?....

On an entirely different note, I think i needa get myself a dog...A Doberman Pup! Yeah and I'll name him "Dober"....HaHa...But this is serious man! Was talkin to this Pet Shop owner earlier on and he said he could get me one for like $2000+.....I WANT!!!!!!!!!

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You Know You Wanna...
10:43 PM