We're Not So Different...

a.k.a. Fat Black Boy

Would like to think that I'm just another 26 yr old
tryin to find myself.

Cos We're Not So Different...

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Been havin alot of sleepless nights lately...The thing is, there's nothin really bothering me...I just can't seem to fall asleep..It's really fucked up cos I end up goin to bed at like 2am(sometimes 4am), but i only end up fallin asleep at like 7plus...total bullshit...

Other than that, it's been more or less same old same old...what can I say? I lead a boring life..haha...

Oh...went to JB the other day...awesome stuff...had a complete kampong experience in this place called "tiram"....fuckin amazing...We spent the night at this friend's place there...Ate dishes u wld never even dream of tryin of Singapore...There was Monitor Lizard, Wild Boar, and to top it all off, a msian alcoholic speciality where they use pure Coconut water to make Booze!!! Damn Cooling...Damn Nice...Good Stuff!!!! Can't wait to go there again soon....

Oh and I managed to catch the Full-Dress-Rehearsal for Phantom of the Opera at the Esplanade...Awesome shit...The entire experience was simply amazing..The Sets!!!! Oh My God, The Sets were bloody breath taking...I was totally blown away....for those of u who are still sittin on da fence thinkin "should i go?"...think no further..Just go for it...it's absolutely worth it...Once in a lifetime opportunity to watch phantom man...Dun miss it!

Wanna catch the first 10mins of the movie?(But of course, the Musical is so much better...In fact, I dare say that the Sets in the musical were way more impressive than the movie). Here's the URL:


And of course, who can forget THE SCENE of the Musical..The Scene!!!

The Phantom Of The Opera is Here...Inside My Mind....

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You Know You Wanna...
9:57 PM

Friday, March 16, 2007

As usual, it's been quite a while since i last updated...Oh well, what can I say? Been Busy? Nah more like, been shit lazyyy...haha yup tt's it...

Well Heatwave is Finally over!(And this time, i really mean "OVER"!)
Handed over to the new committee on Tuesday...They look like a pretty Ok bunch, got a feeling they gonna do well...The handover was rounded up with a BBQ at East Coast...which was totally sucky at the start cos it was raining! But it was all good towards the end all thanks to good food mixed with the company of my 2 best friends: Vodka & Chivas..hehe

Woke up the next day after the BBQ and dragged myself down to school to collect my laptop...It was results day...Good News is i got an A+ for IBP(Radio Heatwave)...The not so good news is my graduating GPA is only 2.8 sigh....Oh well, I ain't gonna dwell on it too much...I'm just happy that i've finally graduated...It's about time!

To "celebrate" my graduation, decided to head to down to Harry's Bar(Mohd Sultan) with Clement...Free Drinks courtesy of Adam,I simply couldn't resist...haha...It was quite cool, been a long time since I actually got "wasted"...and last night I can safely say I did...hahahaha...

Excellent Array of drinks...I had...
- 5 pints of beer
- 2 shots of baileys
- 2 shots of Kalua
- 2 shots of 151(this was the killa..for those of u who dunno, 151 shots are deadly..serious...fuckin strong)
- 1 Flaming Lambo(HaHa Adam took a video of me drinkin this..Was quite funny...Maybe will post it sometime)

After all that drinking, we went to have "Bak-Ku-Teh"(I reckon I am spelling this wrong,haha)
And sadly i have to say that the standard in Singapore is quite bad...Dun get me wrong, It was alright..The soup and all was good, but no contest when compared to Msia....

So Yeah...My week in a nutshell...Gonna go catch up on some sleep now...

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You Know You Wanna...
1:59 PM

Friday, March 09, 2007

I am Broke...All thanks to Ngee Ann...Supposed to get pay on 8th March, and now they tell me they only process on 8th March...So I can only get on 15th March...What the hell am I supposed to do til then? I can't rot at home,I'll just dieeee...and it doesn't help that the old man has finally retired...He's at home all da time!!(And i reckon he's goin Senile)...He's crampin my space man...

Arghh...soooo damn bored...There's nothin good on TV, nowhere interesting to go, nothing interesting to eat(HaHa can't believe I just said that)

I've even resorted to checkin out random people's profiles on friendster...It's craseeeee I tell ya..People really take time n effort to make their profile look "presentable"...

And i can't believe there are those who still type like this:
"i mEaN wHaT dA fUcK dOeS tHiS kInDda TyPiNg CoNsTiTuTe? ShEeSh..."

Ooooh on a brighter note, the draw for the Champions League Quarter Finals is out!
Good News for the English Clubs I guess....

Here We Go:

AC Milan Vs Bayern Munich

PSV Eindhoven Vs Liverpool

Chelsea Vs Valencia

And finally the game that I will personally be lookin out for...

AS Roma Vs Man.Utd

Hell Yeah! It's down to the last 8 teams and I reckon United stand a pretty good chance of makin it to the finals...From the looks of things, I won't be surprised if it ends up being a Man.Utd Vs Liverpool final...Now tt'd be awesome!!!!

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You Know You Wanna...
9:10 PM

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I've always had this thing for songs by Good Charlotte..

And their latest single definitely doesn't fail to impress...

Check it out...

Oh and Electrico's Concert Last Night at NUS was a blast!
(Those lads can perform!! Hell Yeah!!!!)

And I love their new single...

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You Know You Wanna...
3:39 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007

Life hasn't been good to me these past few days...

It's been raining non-stop!
For some reason, my lower back hurts like a bitch!
(Hurts so much, I can't even sit down or stand up properly,arghhhh)

Then there's the issue of HEROES!
The dood who amazingly uploaded all the episodes on YouTube...His account got suspended!!!
Why?! Why must YouTube do this to me? Everything was going fine...I was at Episode 14...Now I'm like left hangin...Worst part is, things on the show was actually gettin GOOD!!!


Well..On a brighter note, gonna be goin for 2 concerts this weekend:
1. Electrico Concert tonight at NUS
2. Fall Out Boy Concert tmr at Max Pavillion

Good stuff!

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You Know You Wanna...
4:35 PM